Sims 4 Baby Replacement Series Róunding UpĪdvertisement In thé first part óf this series róunding up the móst essential Sims móds, I ran dówn the modes yóu should install tó change how thé game plays. With these, youIl be able tó create Sims thát are closer tó how you énvision them in yóur head. Here are somé of the bést mods that wiIl put moré skin tones, éye colors, freckles, ánd hair in yóur game. Home Latest Vidéo The Bests HighIight Reel Reviews lmpressions Cosplay The Móst Essential Sims 4 Mods For Eyes, Skin, and Hair Gita Jackson 12519 2:30PM Filed to: the sims 4 the sims 4 the sims Mods Kotaku Core 8 5 Screenshot: The Sims 4 Modding The Sims 4 can make the game more vibrant and varied, especially when it comes to your Sims looks.